Hope in a Darkened Heart

By JanetKWallace


Fjorin sat down quietly near the marshes of a lake.

It seemed like the perfect place to stay,

Her body agonizing in utter ache would no longer complain.

She asked herself: "Does the pain remain

When the head is turned and the body walks away?

Who knows, what else could they say?

Experience is useless unless you can learn, for God's sake."


She felt so small by thinking about the world around,

A humdrum inside her ears that made quite a sound.

Skipping stones in the lake gave her no joy, as they sank into deep water

And Fjorin, despite her doubts, tried once more.

Nevermind the effort, the stones held in her hands kept sinking

At which point she screamed: "What the hell is happening!?

When did this funny passtime become such a bore?

And those words I've just said... They are a bit somber."


The Fillyjonk shed a few tears as she covered her mouth,

Hoping that no more awful words would ever come out.

Mirrored in the lake's surface, she was utterly horrified by what she saw,

A distorted figure that did not resemble her at all.

"It can't be me, can it?", Fjorin asked but heard no reply.

"Well, for years I've been wearing a pretty disguise, that I can't deny."


"These are only ripples. Do not be afraid

Of them or else you'll look so silly!",

Snorkmaiden said quite firmly.

"Where did you come from?", Fjorin said.

"I live here", she replied, "Now I ask the same of you."

Fjorin, despite the newfound company, still felt rather blue.


"My name's Fjorin and I used to live at Fillyjonk Hills.

When I first arrived at this place called Moominvalley, it brought me chills.

I was afraid at first, but then I met new people, new grass, new clouds, new sky...

I heard new words and sounds that either make me happy or make me cry.

Now I feel something I've never felt before.

There are days where I feel like I don't want to exist,

I can't stand the stirring of a single breeze,

And since then, my life has become quite an uproar."


Snorkmaiden asked: "Tell me why are you sad?"

"I don't know", Fjorin said. "I have no reason to be upset.

It's a nice day, yet something's bothering me, that's certainly true.

I'm so far away from home, yet I don't want to go back for sure.

If it's not a place, then what is it that bothers me?"

Snorkmaiden thought for a while and said: "A person... Could it be?"


"Yes, a relative of mine", Fjorin cried.

"My aunt and I had an argument yesterday.

We could've sorted it out in a thousand ways

But she gets upset very easily these days.

Lately, it's like even the smallest thing will set her off

And the blame is put on me, of course.

Weeks ago, she fell from the stairs and almost died.

I told her many times to leave that wicked house

Or else her Christmas gift would be her own demise.

My aunt said I was young and immature

And that I should live in a field where I'd be in someone's menu,

The mushrooms growing in my back

Would be enough to feed a carrion bird.

We said things we thought we would never dare say to each other

And I haven't seen or heard about her since that day.

It was awful, she probably doesn't want to see me either."


"How unfortunate", Snorkmaiden added.

Fjorin, who saw no comfort, just trembled.

Her skin, a little pale, suddenly got cold.

"Winter is coming soon and I don't know what to do.

I wonder... Will my aunt listen to my apology, or is she too old?

If not, I shall remain quiet forever, not a single word

Or phrase or noise will ever leave my lips

And deep in the lush green grass I'll go through

In order to hide myself away from this stinking world.

Snorkmaiden, please answer, am I that foolish?"


"We all are", Snorkmaide agreed. "I also said a few things

To my dearest friends that I'm not so proud of.

There were moments I'd be led astray by my own feelings,

Moments I'd mistake hatred for love.

So many nasty thoughts that I could not keep inside...

A darkness I have for so long denied.

Years go by and all seems fine

Until one day, you wake up and realize

All those hurtful things said and done

Only brought harm to someone,

Including ourselves to the point you don't know who you are anymore

And as the days go by, you think about all the stuff that happened before.


Fjorin stood up and said: "I swear I'm not making a fool of myself anymore!

But to swear isn't enough when everything turns sour.

I'd rather stay away from my aunt's path just now, you see.

I fear she'll begin the argument again if I come near.

I'm not ready to see her again, not when I feel like this."

"Give it some time", Snorkmaiden said. "We all need some peace of mind

Before we're finally ready to apologize.

Now listen to what I have to say... While you are apart,

Don't forget, there's hope in a darkened heart.

"You're right!", Fjorin shouted. "Meanwhile, let's enjoy the bliss

Before Winter arrives. The grass is soft, the air is fresh,

The water is cool, a great valley lies ahead..."


"I wish the Moomins were here", Snorkmaiden let out a sigh.

"They left this place to live elsewhere a month ago,

Yet it seems like a year or so since they became part of my soul.

All I do is wait. Did I ever say goodbye?"

"I only heard about them", Fjorin replied. "Will they ever come back?"

Silence follows. There's no answer, the clouds loomed black.

The Moominhouse stood there, blue, serene, abandoned.

"I hope so", Snorkmaiden said. "They are very needed."